Posts Tagged ‘Amy Winehouse


The house always wins.

So, in talking with a friend recently, I decided to take a moment (especially since Luna and I are a little bit behind on our posting and we have missed you guys) out of my not so busy day to state the obvious:

You really can’t judge someone on the porn they like.

Well, of course you can.

But you should really judge them on how their porn affects them. We all know that a majority of porn is very, very misogynist and degrading to women (and sometimes, but obviously much less, to men as well)(to the whole human race, really), but the sad truth, is that so many of us like it still. Horininess and a desire for filth, like the house, always wins. We like being naughty. In fact, how can you respect the prudes out there because, when you really get down to it, if you’re into a sexually healthy and adventurous lifestyle, you’re going to end up doing some pretty wrong shit, right?

But it’s really up to you to decide at what level your shit becomes wrong. And fun. And at what levels your limits demand testing, pushing, blurring, etc.

And if you’re not doing it now, then get out there and start.

Like what you like. If it gets you off, that’s fantastic. Keep it to yourself or share it with the world, it’s totally up to you.

And I’ll give you an example: cheerleaders. What a dorky, ridiculous cliche for men to like. But you know what? If I’m flipping through some videos on any one of the many porn sites that Luna and I traffic sometimes 8 or 9 times a day (“research,” people, it’s all “research!”), and I see a cheerleader video, I’m probably going to click on it.

Granted, it’s a moot point if the person whom you’re judging based on their porn perspectives is into something where people have to be punched in the face or stabbed to get off. That’s probably a little excessive, but hey, maybe you’re into that?

Originally in the above paragraph, I was going to use watersports or scat porn as examples, but again, maybe you’re into that? In fact, I used to date this girl, this really sweet, shy, timid wallflower of a girl, the kind that doesn’t know how pretty she is, and all those wonderful cliches. She was very reserved and cautious in bed, but one day, like a scene from a movie, as we lay there so wonderfully post coital, she asked me if I’d piss in her mouth because it’s been so long since she’d found a guy who’d do that for her. And I don’t know about you, but I love when I’m presented with new character tests to pass or fail.

Alright, that’s enough out of me for now. As you were. Go watch something dirty, okay?

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